
Netflix’s Tidying Up With Marie Kondo Glitch Spawns Hilarious Tweets

Season 2 is gonna be intense.

Netflix‘s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo seems like pretty harmless fare right? Wrong! Cause Marie Kondo is a killer… at least that’s what a little glitch on the streaming service has conveyed. You’d never expect the sweet Marie Kondo who simply wants to spark joy in the spaces of homes to be gunning down disorganized people in the desert right? That’s exactly what this crazy woman is capable of doing… at least according to this hilarious Netflix glitch.

William Hanson took to Twitter to reveal a photo taken of the streaming service’s browsing page which has the title “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” only to have the backdrop be a dude with an AK-47 running through the desert (Or something like that). Check out the photo below:

Damn Kondo, I guess you gotta result to more extreme methods to spark that joy. Well, this glitch wasn’t met with indifference as the people of Twitter have expressed some enjoyment from this little glitch and some of their own hilarious expansions. Check out some of the tweets below:

Twitter proves yet again that the platform is not filled with basic white boys and girl who need therapy. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo season 2 looks like it’s gonna be intense now though cause god know we need to tidy up the weapons room one of these days. Obviously, this is not gonna affect the show and Kondo being the sweet person she is would probably be just laughing this off. It would be funny to hear what she has to say about this though.


Source: William HansonThe Warax , Rich Davis , A Snarky Cat Lady