
New Star Wars Episode IX Set Photo Reveal Jungle Ruins

Familiar but not too familiar.

Despite the mixed fan reception of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Star Wars: Episode IX is still something to really look forward to cause it’s well, Star Wars. The Last Jedi may have deviated from the usual Star Wars convention unlike The Force Awakens which can draw heavy comparisons to the original Star Wars way back in 1977. Now, Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams is back to take on this installment and it looks like it’s may thread some familiar territory.

Some time ago, there we saw some pics of a jungle setting for Episode IX which we can all draw some parallels to Return of the Jedi, the third flick in the original trilogy in case you (for some reason) didn’t know. Now, that’s starting to look more likely but with a little twist as a new set photo has provided a pretty good look at that set.

User kyloknowsbest posted a photo on imgur of a set being constructed on a sound stage for Episode IX that very much looks like a jungle of some ancient ruins. You can see mosses and s–t covering stone buildings which is a pretty interesting thing to take into account in regards to what we can expect from the plot of the film. The set wasn’t complete the time the picture was taken so it’s likely not done yet. To check out the photo, click here.

This doesn’t have too much Return of the Jedi vibes cause it looks like “the gang” may be visiting the ruins of some ancient ground. Return of the Jedi‘s Endor was basically a village so this may be a little different but we don’t know if we’re going to find Ewoks here. They would probably try to be safer with Episode IX following the fan reception of The Last Jedi but hopefully not too safe.


Source: kyloknowsbest/imgur