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Avengers 4 Fan Theory Suggests Nick Fury Knew Everything All Along

A Marvel fan on Reddit has come up with a huge Avengers 4 theory that truly culminates the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in an insane, creative way.

Marvel has been very stingy about plot details for Avengers 4, which has led some fans to go wild with theories concerning what happens in the movie. One theory purports Nick Fury having known a whole lot more than he let on, and that he actually knew about Thanos and The Snap years before the Infinity Stone hunt. Now, one Reddit theorist has taken it a whole lot further by saying that everything in the MCU has been preordained as part of Doctor Strange’s end game.

Reddit user by the name of sfmarch07 posted a very long and detailed theory about Nick Fury and Iron Man’s role in Avengers 4. Built out of pieces from a few other theories, this new bit of fan speculation takes a deep dive into Nick Fury’s role in the overall MCU, claiming that Jackson’s character will get a vision of the future in Captain Marvel, in which he will see Thanos defeating the Avengers and wiping out half of the universe.

My Avengers 4 theory
byu/sfmarch07 inmarvelstudios

Image result for Avengers 4' Fan Theory

This theory would make for a very different kind of Marvel movie. The inclusion of time travel and the setting up of all these MCU events is so wild, yet makes so much sense. Also, the idea of Tony having to go back in time to put the hit on his parents would be the perfect emotional punch for his character, as would the idea of having Tony tell 2012 Captain America (Chris Evans) not to sign the Sokovia accords.

That being said, it’s pretty hard to imagine the MCU going this dark. Killing off half the universe in Infinity War is one thing, especially when the sequel will almost certainly reverse this genocide, but surely forcing one of our heroes to murder his own parents is a whole other level of twisted that’s usually reserved for horror movies. In any case, we’ll see how far the Russo Brothers are willing to go in upping the stakes when Avengers 4 hits theaters on May 3rd, 2019.
Source: Reddit